Monday, May 9, 2011

Warm Ups: Getting Started

Hello My Lovelies! Its taken me a bit of time to upload all these videos, and technical difficulties caused them to be up a day later than promised, but here we are! This will be the first post on how to properly warm up your body pre-performance.

I always start by meditating or praying before warming up before classes or warming up in general. It clears your mind and relaxes your body and I love starting with the exercise because it starts tell your body to wake up and subtly reminds your muscles how to breathe. Although Hope is very naturally flexible, don't push yourself too much on the first exercise. Its about getting your muscles going, not stretching yourself to death!

Are you breathing enough? Both of these exercises are designed to remind your muscles how to move and the remind your lungs they need to start utilizing more air. Inhale for a full eight count and exhale for a full eight count between combinations. You'll see a difference next time you perform!

You should do this combination four times at least (right, left, right, left) to get the full effect. Remember to keep breathing!

As always my lovelies, I'm dying to hear from you! Message my facebook or leave me a comment! -Ms Ivy

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