Sunday, November 27, 2011

Workin after studenthood

Hello My Lovelies! I have been taking a tap class lately and have fallen back in love with rhythm. I'm taking from an old mentor and its funny to see how much we haven't changed. (I still hate wings and single pick ups!) But I think whats most interesting is how much my work ethic has changed how I view my students.

I guess I always was a bit of a lazy person. I have a wonderful talent for convincing myself that I don't need to do something, and since I don't need to do something, I shouldn't have to... So I won't. Hence why I've taken tap for almost 19 years off an on relationally and still can't do wings or single pick ups. I've been talking about it with my tap teacher and she agrees that while I can be very convincing to myself by coming up with an excuse and not performing a task or practicing these things, I'm not very convincing to her and should do it anyways. (Now that I am a teacher this tactic seems like it does wonders for the child, but I now remember that it doesn't make kids care about what you're trying to get them to do. I usually explain what the stretch or exorcize is used for and it helps them understand its importance.)

She also brought up the word can't to me. It seems I tell at least four people a day saying the word can't and then thinking, "well if you said I can, you might be able to..." Yet when it comes time to do something I dislike, the first words out of my mouth are almost always: "I can't." I know I'm holding myself back, yet continue to do so.

Why? I mean it honestly isn't that hard to change what words you use on a daily basis, but I'm so programmed to just do the same things over and over that I mostly don't realize that I'm harming my own potential. What kind of a role model does that make me? Human.

Some days it really isn't easy being a human teacher. I wish I was devoid of emotion from time to time or from the possibility of error. It would make my life a lot easier... But when I do finally master wings, I'll be sure to thank my instructor for not backing down with me ;) -Ms Ivy

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