Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

My New Year's resolution is to post at least twice a month, every month on here! My holiday schedule was crazy and during the break I just needed some me time. A lot of me time, actually. I spent a lot of time baking and cooking and crocheting. It made me calm down a lot too. Taking a break like this was good for me. Helps take down a lot of the post Nutcracker trauma I've had. The only problem I've been having with doing these productions is the feeling of completion leaves me empty, just a little bit.

It reminds me a little bit of postpartum depression. You spend so many months for something to happen and then when it does its over. Its done. No more until the next time. You're suddenly not a part of something important until the next production you do. Its a little humbling to think of how reliant humans are on outside sources for comfort. In the process of this production I'm losing three students. Two of which I taught their first plie's and helped them learn how to dancer like a butterfly. I'll miss them all but I know that'd just how this job goes. I can't adopt every child who's parents found a better job. besides, children have this nasty habit of eating and I'll admit I don't eat on a regular enough schedule to maintain one right now.

Looking back 2011 was pretty rough year for me. Not a lot of catastrophic things happened, just enough to make it stressful, for months. I've successfully kept my weight at a reasonable place and I aim to keep it that way. I don't focus a lot of attention to losing weight and I don't push it on my students, but I will say that keeping my body healthy is really improving my over all attitude towards myself.

I focus a lot on eating. I love doing it. I love doing it a lot. And often. One of the problems with having an out of control metabolism as a child I suppose. Hopefully I don't lose sight of my goals this year and decided its too hard or too much to keep track of halfway through the year. If I don't take care of myself, who will?

I'll leave you with some music for your mind. -Ms Ivy

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