Monday, April 18, 2011

Recital time! pt 1: Some basics

Oh my lovelies, I hope you're as excited as I am, Its recital time kiddo's! Time to show mom and dad all the stuff you've been working on your entire dance career! Whats wrong? You're nervous? Well, I'm sure you'll be fine. Just follow some general knowledge and everything will be ok.

First things, first. Make the list. Your back stage woes go so much smoother when you have a list, I promise. When I was a kid my mom would make a list of every single thing I needed and place them all in plastic baggies with my name on them and I'd be completely set up and ready to go in no time. Now-a-days when I'm dancing I still do this. I have everything for the ballet company on a list in my office as well. I'm a bit of a compulsive person I guess.

The next piece of recital advice is bringing extra EVERYTHING.

Baby wipes/Shout wipes (to fix makeup mistakes or dirty hands.) Baby powder (for itchy costumes). Safety pins (for emergency costume repairs). Clear nail Polish (to repair minor holes/runs in tights when there isn't time to change them). Tylenol, Advil, Motrin or your pain reliever of choice. Extra contact lenses (because the show can't be stopped to search the stage for one). Band-Aids (the "invisible" kind -- stage is not the place for sponge-bob band-aids :P.

Those are some new ones I hadn't really put too much thought in before. (Thanks Dance!)

Some of the things we shouldn't have to mention are still oh so necessary, which I'm annoyed by, by the way. Make sure you have your hair and make up done properly and securely, don't wear nail polish and bring the correct tights and shoes. You have no idea how stressful it can be to have to send mom back home or to a local dance wear shop because Suzy Q forgot her tights at home! Bring your the correct stuff and you'll be good.

Next feature? Write your name on everything you plan on taking back home with you. Try to write it in a place that won't be seen by the audience, but easy enough for everyone to see when going through costumes at the end of the day.

Bring something to do. If you aren't in a lot of dances you're probably going to be spending a lot of your time bored out of your mind, back stage. Bring a book or a gameboy (muted, of course) but keep yourself entertained. Mom won't be able to go back and rescue you, you know.

As I find more advice, I'll keep you informed. Thank you my lovelies! -Ms Ivy

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