Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dancing in the rain

I love rainy day weather! It gives me the perfect excuse to watch ballet videos. Since I made the transition from dancer to teacher I'm constantly looking for new ways to teach children. As I stumbled through youtube and expertvillage (now ehow) I found a video that took my breath away. Thats a five year old! Oh my Lord, I have never seen a child do half of those things!

As I continue on my rainy day ballet voyage, I came across this little gem. May I just say, lovely? How many hours of ballet does this one take a week? Where does she train? I wonder how much more amazing she is now! How has her pointe work progressed?

Speaking of pointe work... Any time I look up pointe videos I always come up with a bunch of eight to ten year olds dance enpointe. This is an outrage! Your muscles have not had the proper time to develop yet and your bones haven't set to where they need to be! This is a mostly American trend too. Some days I wish America would take the stand most other country's have on dance and say that you have to be certified by the state to be a dance instructor. How many children are hurt every year from having a teacher who doesn't understand how to properly stretch a child or puts them in pointe shoes too early? Or worse yet, allows them to wear poorly fitted shoes for classes.

Ballet should be cultivated like a soufflé, you need to take your time. You'll rise when its time, my lovelies! -Ms Ivy

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